Tacikowski, P., Kalender, G., Ciliberti, D., & Fried, I. Human hippocampal and entorhinal neurons encode the temporal structure of experience. Nature 1-8 (2024)
Jang, R. S., Ciliberti, D., Mankin, E. A., & Poe, G. R. (2022). Recurrent Hippocampo-neocortical sleep state divergence in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(44), e2123427119.
Michon, F., Sun, J.-J., Kim, C. Y., Ciliberti, D., & Kloosterman, F. (2019). Post-learning Hippocampal Replay Selectively Reinforces Spatial Memory for Highly Rewarded Locations. Current Biology, 29(9), 1436-1444.e5.
Hu, S., Ciliberti, D., Grosmark, A. D., Michon, F., Ji, D., Penagos, H., Buzsáki, G., Wilson, M. A., Kloosterman, F., & Chen, Z. (2018). Real-Time Readout of Large-Scale Unsorted Neural Ensemble Place Codes. Cell Reports, 25(10), 2635-2642.e5.
Ciliberti, D., Michon, F., & Kloosterman, F. (2018). Real-time classification of experience-related ensemble spiking patterns for closed-loop applications. eLife, 7, e36275.
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Sodkomkham, D., Ciliberti, D., Wilson, M. A., Fukui, K., Moriyama, K., Numao, M., & Kloosterman, F. (2016). Kernel density compression for real-time Bayesian encoding/decoding of unsorted hippocampal spikes. Knowledge-Based Systems, 94, 1–12.
Kanagasabapathi, T. T., Ciliberti, D., Martinoia, S., Wadman, W. J., & Decré, M. M. J. (2011). Dual-Compartment Neurofluidic System for Electrophysiological Measurements in Physically Segregated and Functionally Connected Neuronal Cell Culture. Frontiers in Neuroengineering, 4.