Bachelor and Master Thesis
Possible Themes:
Literature on the topics:
- Reward processing for ADHS
- Connection between autism and ADHD
- Overview of attention-related EEG/EKP components
- Representation of normative and deviant brain development (e.g. in ADHS)
Experimental work on the topics:
- influence of new stimuli on learning/memory and/or attention processes
Furthermore, there is the possibility to create topics within all current projects of our research department.
Bachelor Thesis
Master Thesis
Novelty or surprise? - A new look at the basics of "Behavioral Tagging" (preliminary title) - Fenja Stratil and Rika Otsubo
Neurofeedback Home Training - Factors Influencing the Intention of Use by Parents of Children with ADHD (preliminary title) - Greta Leistikow
- Possibilities of using transcranial direct current stimulation in children and adolescents with ADHD (Carolin Breitling)
- The influence of reward contingency on encoding success in ADHD: an fMRI study (Judith Krüger)
- Developmental alteration of the gray and white matter (Daniela Schneider)
- Action bias Go/Nogo in children and adolescents with ADHS (Lena Pietro)
- Quality of life and stress situation of children and adolescents of parents with cancer in dependence of disease events: Influence of the sibling relationship (Nicole Herms)
- Effectiveness testing of a child psychiatric parent-child ward under routine clinical conditions (Steffi Krause)
- Investigations on the cell biological basis of increased reactivity in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and children with atopic dermatitis (Wiebke Wölfer)
You will find a list of completed works here.