Psychiatric care

Personalized Care

To ensure a more patient-oriented approach, we offer personalized care.

Psychiatric illnesses are always accompanied by a loss of social relationship skills. It is therefore important to establish relationships with patients where they can try out their abilities and learn new skills.

The "caregiver-patient relationship" begins on the first day of admission. The focus here is on providing the patient with competent professional support throughout the therapy. Together with the patient, a nursing plan is developed. The goals of the patient are thereby adapted to the conceptual offers of the ward.

Group Offers

The "carer-patient relationship" begins on the first day of admission. The focus here is on providing the patient with competent professional support throughout the therapy. Together with the patient, a nursing plan is developed. The goals of the patient are thereby adapted to the conceptual offers of the ward.

Group offers
The psychiatric nursing service provides a wide range of group services. These include supplementary movement and occupational therapy, household training, concentration training, medication information, media group, milieu therapy as well as relaxation in a specially equipped "Snoezelen room". In addition, patients have the possibility to express wishes, suggestions and opinions about the general course of treatment through a self-formed patient council. A so-called real group offers practical advice for coping with individual everyday problems.

Last Modification: 23.06.2020 - Contact Person:

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